Experience the benefits of Cancer Wellness through our wide variety of classes, catering to the diverse needs of individuals seeking a comprehensive approach to wellness. Our classes provide valuable support, self-care, and coping mechanisms, promoting a sense of empowerment, relaxation, and improved overall quality of life.
Experience profound serenity and cultivate tranquility through the enlightening practice of meditation
Optimize your nutrition and empower yourself with valuable knowledge through our nutritional cooking classes
Unleash your creativity and find solace in the therapeutic power of arts and crafts
Discover our offerings in the Monthly Calendar, your go-to resource for all the programs and services available this month.
Explore the diverse range of one-on-one sessions, workshops, classes and groups designed to support your well-being.
We welcome anyone who is currently living with cancer, from diagnosis to one year post-treatment to become a WICWC participant free of charge. Both individuals with cancer and their loved ones or supporters are encouraged to register and join our center to access our comprehensive programs and services. Please visit our registration page for more information
For group classes and woskshops, you may sign-up at anytime. If the number of registrations for a course is less than the minimum capacity, the course will be cancelled one business day before and possibly even permanently so best not to wait to send your requests for the classes you enjoy.