Your donation to the West Island Cancer Wellness Centre is the gift of hope to someone living with cancer. Your donation allows us to offer free programs, personal support, coping mechanisms, information, resources and more. These programs and services help our participants to live well with cancer and inspire hope – regardless of the stage of their disease.
For more information on the ways you can donate and the impact of your gift, contact:
Melanie Richter:
Thank you!
Your generous donation makes it possible for us to offer free compassionate care to anyone living with cancer. We could not do this without you as the Centre does not receive government funding.
With your monthly donation, we know we can count on you support every month to sustain our free programs and services. You will receive a tax receipt for the monthly amount.
If you would like to make a donation by PHONE, please call us at (514) 695-9355 Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.