Are you a registered charity?
Yes. Our business number is 85521 2221 RR0001.
Yes. Our business number is 85521 2221 RR0001.
You can participate in all our wellness programs to help you live well with and through cancer. They include counselling, fitness, nutritional cooking, support groups and more. Here is how one participant described their experience at the WICWC: The West Island Cancer Wellness Center is a vibrant sanctuary sustained by compassionate volunteers who together create a nourishing, family environment filled with love, hope and courage.
From diagnosis to one year post-treatment. We consider “treatment” as active treatment. For example, if someone is on hormone therapy, this isn’t considered “active treatment”, as it’s more of a preventative medication. Note: In the unfortunate situation of a death of a non-caregiver (cancer participant), regrettably caregivers can no longer benefit from our programs & services. However, we will refer you to some excellent resources in the community to support you and should you wish to continue using the services of our professionals outside of the centre, you can find all of their coordinates here.
No. We do not have any beds or participants living at the Centre. Our hours of operation are Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. Please check the programming calendar for any evening or weekend programs.
We fundraise. At the present time, we do not receive any funding from the Federal or Provincial governments, hospitals, any major cancer society or association. We rely solely on donations from individuals, corporations, companies and foundations. To help us continue to providing support to people living with cancer, all donations are greatly appreciated.
We have a parking lot beside the centre.
The logo is our version of the Bodhi tree—the oldest living tree in recorded history - a source of energy and inspiration, a symbol of peace, enlightenment, strength and a reminder of the ultimate potential that lies within each of us.
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