The West Island Cancer Wellness Centre was created in 2009 to respond to the demand for a whole-person approach to cancer care. A cancer diagnosis affects much more than the part of the body with cancer. Our programs complement traditional medical practices by meeting the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of people living with cancer.
In 2019, we launched the beautiful West Island Cancer Wellness Retreat Centre in a tranquil setting north of Montreal. Our wellness retreats are open to registered participants of the Centre, many of whom cannot travel or get away because of a change in finances, restrictions due to treatment or lack of insurance.
The Retreat Centre can be rented for private wellness retreats on a nightly, weekly or monthly basis. For more information, please contact: Centre_de_retraite@wicwc.org.
If you have signed a rental agreement for the Retreat Centre and would like to pay on-line, click:
For information on how to register at the Centre: Click HERE
For more information about our retreats, contact:
(514) 695-9355